Michael H. Price's Forgotten Horrors
No. 7: Retooling George E. Turner's Lost 'Tarzan' Comics

Back in the day when I used to visit George Turner at the American Cinematographer Club House in Hollywood, we would have lunch and go over our latest interests. George was an illustrator of the highest order, and during discussions he told me of his many adventures as an illustrator, as well as the Tarzan piece you now have before you, thanks to Michael H. Price. Like all of you out there in cyberspace, this is the first time I have seen it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. George may be gone, but if Mike and I have anything to say about it, he will never be forgotten!


Jan Alan Henderson

Fewer woids, more pictures: The overdue selection, here, is a backhanded restoration for a long-lost comic-book feature by Jan Alan Henderson's and my most influential mentor, George E. Turner (1925-1999). The accompanying text page (below) puts everything into context. The purported funnybook cover is, of course, a mock-up. Just so you know.

Michael H. Price

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